Woodchunk.com Mango Mans's Furniture Jugaaad -New Venture Started By MBA Students OF St.Hopkins
www.woodchunk.com is a an online furniture store launched by MBA students of St.Hopkins college . The site has latest designs of furniture collection , it offers best quality at economical prices ,
The site has received an average business of 3 , 00,000/= Rupees every months in its initial stage , the profit margins are 30 to 40% on sales .
The Students do not stock any goods or products , once the order is placed the order is then directed to associate manufacturer and the goods are then manufactured and delivered , there by reduced the cost of inventory and overheads such as rent and salaries etc .
Products which are of similar designs and quality are as high as 100% expensive of one has to buy from the local showrooms in Bangalore . Hence the site is getting great response .
The target is to reach total sales of 20 lakhs minimum to 50 lakhs per month . and next target is to open sales in tier II cities of Karnataka and metro cities in south .
St.Hopkins college , is aggressively working on motivating students to take up entrepreneurial career , has a entrepreneurship incubator cell headed by its Director .
Any student who comes up with a Business plan shall be guided by expert faculties and shall be supported with venture capitalists if required .
To know more about Entrepreneurship Development Programmes At St.Hopkins College , Log on to www.hopkinscollege.com .